I shouldn't have done that.
So today for dinner my parents insisted on going to another fancy restaurant and I reluctantly decided to indulge them and trudged along.
It was some atas place in orchard called Lawry's and when I sat down (horribly underdressed of course) and opened the fine two page menu I noticed weird numbers next to the meals.
There weren't any dollar signs or decimal places and it slowly dawned onto me that the steak I was looking at cost 69 dollars. I slowly scanned the menu and saw numbers like 109, 157 230. So the cheapest meal (baby pork ribs) would cost a lovely 47 dollars.
I looked up at my parents, but they were both stony faced and tight lipped.
"It's okay," my mom said, trying her best not to falter, "order anything you want"
I couldn't believe it. So they were going to you know, stay there just to save face. It was so stupid I nearly screamed. But okay. Whatever.
My brother Jason tactfully ordered the Baby pork ribs, while Calvin, as usual tactlessly got a prime steak. My parents ordered "sets" of 95 dollars each.
I refused to order. It was ridiculous. I'm not a foodie, I can tell the difference between normal beef and triple a beef from japan, but I sure as hell won't complain if I ate cheeseburgers for a week, and I don't approve of foodies even spending so much money on food.
I just said I wasn't going to order and left it at that. And I wolfed down the 8 or so pieces of complimentary bread with complimentary butter.
So there we were, an awkward family of five, with four main courses. My brothers sipping their six dollar soft drinks and my father waxing lyrical about his whatever john tea. I on the other hand, sat amidst the lovely embroidery in my sneakers, cheap shorts and a t-shirt, admiring the snobs around me, and sipping water elegantly from the wine glass. I held it in a dainty fashion too, casually applying butter to the free food I had before me with the steak knife and mused about stewardship and starving people in africa.
I relented, and I regret that, I helped my brother finish off a bit of his baby pork ribs. Honestly, it looked huge at first and my mother insisted he would never finish it, and since it was going to go to waste anyway, I had some.
I was instantly disgusted as how much of the pork ribs were actually bone and how little meat there was, leading me to the conclusion that I probably shouldn't have taken any, seeing as my brother could've finished it all anyway.
But yes, I'm disgusted with myself, next time I shall just ignore everything. I'd honestly rather sit at home and satisfy myself with mister potato. I told them I would satisfy myself with a five dollar mc donalds meal later and if they wanted to spend money so much they could give me thirty bucks.
Disgusting stuff really.
The butter and bread was really nice though.