Not who I want to be, or a paragon of excellence, but just something that is not.
And I slip so easily into this alternate me.
I'm not talking about the times when I forget how to be me, when I lapse into awkwardness and begin rambling or acting different.
Okay, it is part of that.
I'm talking about the times when I am who they say I am. The caustic, judgmental, quick firing quick hitting asshole. The last person you go to for sympathy. The brute with a dark sense of humor. The scum of the earth.
Maybe not all they say is bullshit.
But maybe its just like this cause of what they say.
I'm certainly not like this all the time in that place. But sometimes I am.
And ion the end, I've known him for so long, but I still don't know him.
Is that my fault?
I don't know.